I got some more colors and the first thing I built was Link from one of the best Zeldas ever, A Link to the Past. Some of the darker colors are hard to see without backlight, hence my MacBook in the background instead of the desk I've been photographing them on.
Been really busy at work lately so haven't had much time to work on my PixelBlocks art. I figured I'd give an update on the process I go through to make these creations. Its sort of something I figured out on my own, and have been refining the process to make it easier and quicker for me to do. 1) I find a digital copy of the character I want to do online somewhere. There are quite a few websites that post "ripped sprites" from video games, so there's a lot to choose from. Couple of the sites I find them from are Game Sprite Archive and NES SNES Sprites . 2) Once I have the sprite, I convert it to a custom color palette in Photoshop. There are only 20 different PixelBlocks colors (and I own 18 of them), so this can be quite a challege. Some colors don't have an equivalent PixelBlock color, so I have to either fake it or skip doing that character entirely. Magus from Chronotrigger unfortunately was skipped for this reason; I didn't have a good pur...
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